Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Relationship Reality Check

Relationship Reality Check

Every now and then your primary relationship (with your spouse, partner, lover) needs a reality check to make sure you are both on the same page and in touch with each other. 
successful relationship 
I've been reading many articles lately about men and women whose spouses/partners have left them unexpectedly leaving them both surprised and devastated.
Most of them had no inkling that the relationship was anything but good. They saw no signs of trouble, unusual behavior, or what was to come crashing down on them.
How does this happen?
Unfortunately it does happen, and it happens to couples that allow themselves to fall into an unconscious routine.
They begin to take each other for granted, lose connection with each other's thoughts and feelings and generally forget to do the small, considerate things they used to do in the past. It happens more often than anyone would care to admit.
Before the situation deteriorates to the point of no return, there are some things you can do to make sure you and your partner are in sync and working together.

Tips For Maintaining A Good Relationship:

  • Respect each other. Try to understand each other's feelings and points of view. Don't try to change one another now that you're in the relationships. You were initially attracted to each other for a reason. Remember what it was and continue to appreciate it.

  • Communicate. Never underestimate the importance of good communication. If something is going on inside of you, share it. Don't keep your feelings, good or bad, to yourself. If you have a problem let your partner in on it. Work on a solution together. It will create intimacy and bring you closer together. When something good happens to you at work or you've achieved a goal, share that as well. All sharing and exchanging of information brings people closer to each other. Practice communicating with each other.

  • Do the little things. Be considerate and thoughtful. If you're getting yourself a coffee, apple or snack from the kitchen ask your partner if he/she wants one too. When your spouse is tired and sore give him/her a back rub or massage. Be aware of each others needs.

  • Don't get caught up in the rat race. People get too wrapped up in getting ahead and the mechanics of everyday living. They rush around doing, getting, and not taking time to live in the moment. By not paying attention to each other you can become disconnected with yourself and your partner.

  • Maintain a Sense of Humor. Laugh together. Don't take things too seriously. Barring a tragedy, nothing is so serious that you can't step back and look at the humorous side. Laughter is contagious and creates intimacy.

  • Take care of and respect yourself. As mentioned in Love Yourself in order function fully, strive for balance. If you don't take care of yourself, everything around you will fall apart including your relationship.

  • Have a Life. Everyone needs a life of his/her own. If you don't have one, you not only tend to invade someone else's space, you probably become too dependent and therefore less interesting. One of the most important things you can bring to a relationship is your unique set of qualities and a different perspective. Contrary to what you may think, maintaining your individuality and having a life of your own strengthens a relationship and keeps it fresh and interesting.

So before things start sliding or become stagnant in your relationship, start developing some good maintenance habits. Communicate, laugh, be independent, take care of yourself and your relationship will not only survive, it will flourish.

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