Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ten simple ways to boost your self-esteem

Ten simple ways to boost your self-esteem

Low self esteem can be damaging to one's life and career.In such a modern and competitive age, it is necessary to harbour optimism and hope instead of indulging in self hate and despair.Accept and forgive yourself everyday and harness the power of your thoughts and beliefs to build a sense of strong self esteem.Here are a few ways to help you with it:

Start your day with a smile: Everyday when you wake up, look at the mirror and smile at yourself. Just a simple smile can relieve your tension and brighten up your mood. Starting your day with a smile can keep you happy and positive throughout the day.

Practice Confidence and say ‘I can’: Inculcate confidence within you which is the most important thing for survival in today’s world. Concentrate on your positive aspects and work on them to achieve success. Never have a loser’s attitude and always say to yourself that you are capable enough to accomplish anything that you have set your heart upon.

Stop comparing yourself to others: Yes! You must have heard it number of times, and I will say it again, ‘You are unique and supremely special! Trying to be like someone else or trying to live up to someone else’s expectations makes you lose your individuality. Accept your flaws and concentrate on being the best version of you not somebody else because there can be no other ‘You’

Learn to appreciate and reward yourself: Don’t hesitate to compliment yourself and always remind yourself of your constructive qualities. Make a list of all your positive qualities in a diary which will boost your morale. Also groom yourself and try to dress and look nice. That will increase your confidence in social situations. Adopt good hygiene and work on improving yourself by maintaining a proper lifestyle.

Avoid negative people and embrace optimism: People who harbour negative thoughts can only do bad to your mental psyche. Surround yourself with positive people, the people who make you laugh and those who bring out the best in you. Life is too short to be spent in the company of people who suck the happiness out of you.

Focus on your goals: Make a checklist of your goals. Prepare systematically on how to achieve them. On accomplishing every other goal, whether big or small, your self- worth will increase manifold.

Eat and exercise better: A healthy lifestyle and proper exercise regime fill you with positive energy. A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. So pay attention to what you eat and choose wisely. Regular walking and running habit helps in overcoming stress and promotes a healthier self.

Explore your hobbies and passions: Apart from your studies or job/business there must be some things about which you feel passionate. Don’t let this crazy paced routine life take away from you your passion which you so dearly value. Make time for your little hobbies or become part of volunteer group which will provide you with a sense of purpose contributing to overall happiness.

Be grateful and find something positive in each day: Life indeed is beautiful and despite of little hitches there are always a few things which make our life blessed and worth living. Be thankful for them and also to the presence of your loved ones. Be kind and generous towards the people around you and compliment them on a regular basis. Also even if it’s a small thing, do something special and memorable every day.

Murder negative thoughts: Negative and pessimistic thoughts can seriously ruin your life and affect your self- worth. Start seeing the good in everything and even if things go wrong, never stop believing in that four lettered word called ‘Hope’. So banish out negative thoughts from your system and see the brighter side to everything. Treat yourself with kindness and encouragement and notice the difference.

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