Friday, March 14, 2014

How Eating This ONE FOOD Helped Me Lower My Blood Pressure From 155/90 To 110/75 Short story that I know will resonate with you…

How Eating This ONE FOOD Helped Me Lower My Blood Pressure From 155/90 To 110/75
Short story that I know will resonate with you…

As I've gotten older, I've experienced a number of "challenges" when it comes to my overall health, fitness and wellbeing.
I don’t have the ability to do the same kind of exercises a 30 or 40 year old can. I wish I could. But the aches and pains are too much to deal with.
I have 7 grandkids. Their energy levels astonish me. Each year I find it harder and harder to keep up with them.
I used to just chalk it up to old age.
…until a random visit to the hospital turned my life upside down.
Our local hospital was putting on a free bloodwork clinic for the community.
I hadn't been to a hospital in years. Frankly, I hate hospitals. The thought of being hooked up to oxygen machines and being fed with tubes is absolutely terrifying to me.
But my wife insisted I go. Got to keep the wife happy :) so I went.
I could see in the nurse's face when she took my blood pressure that something was wrong.
She checked it a second time.
Then a third.
Then she looked me in the eye and said "Mr. Burge, you're going to have a stroke or a heart attack before you leave this building."
Apparently, I was a ticking time bomb.
I was too shocked to speak. My wife began to weep.
I realized in that moment that unless I figured out how to lower my blood pressure FAST... there was a good chance I would not live to see my next Christmas.
My friend Steve was on 5 different blood pressure medications and the side effects were horrendous, so I refused to go the medication route.
I thought of my son Ken. He had recently turned his own high blood pressure around and lost a lot of weight.
Whatever he was doing was working.
So I picked up the phone, rang his number and said "Son, I need a miracle. What is the quickest, surest way to lower my blood pressure?"
Ken told me to get in the car, drive to the nearest grocery store, and buy this one food to eat.
It seemed too easy.
But I was ready to try anything. Plus, it had obviously worked for Ken.
So I immediately began eating this one food and followed the other simple steps my son shared with me.
Since I took Ken's advice, here's what's happened to me:
My blood pressure has dropped from 155/90 to 110/75. My wife and family no longer have to worry about me dropping dead of a stroke or heart attack. I take NO medication whatsoever.
I have lost 91 pounds. This was over the course of just one year. It was far easier than I expected, and I never once felt hungry.
At 66 years old, I feel as healthy and energetic as I did in my 30s. Keeping up with my 7 grandkids used to be next to impossible for me. Not anymore!
My extreme fatigue and dramatic mood swings have disappeared. My creativity and “zest for life” have come roaring back as well!
The only exercise I did was the occasional walk with my wife. I recently started playing full-court basketball 3 times a week (something I never thought I'd be able to do again)… but only because I love it!
Ken is a natural teacher, so my wife and I encouraged him to share his simple method with the larger community.
Ken has since made it his personal mission to share this natural blood pressure fix with the world.

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