Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tips to a healthy life - The Probiotic way

Tips to a healthy life - The Probiotic way

Have you ever wondered what the probiotic supplements are ??? Bacteria in general are supposed to cause illness.  But some of them are good too.  We consume them in our daily diet  in form of yoghurt and fermented foods.  These are known as probiotics which help in treating certain illness.
Bacteria present in our intestines are essential for the body.   When we are being treated for a specific illness the antibiotics that we consume destroys both the good and bad bacteria in our system thus reducing the immunity.  This is when the probiotic supplement help us. These supplements helps grow the good bacteria and improves immunity.  Probiotics are widely used in the treatment of many diseases and is helpful in many ways.  The probiotics reduce the need for antibiotics.  Probiotics are used to prevent diarrhoea, especially in children,  Similarly, it is useful for patients who are in convalescence from severe fever.
With the younger generation being more health conscious, consumption of these probiotic products are growing.  Bacteria that is in the intestinal flora keeps harmful organisms in check and boosts the immune system.  Its perfectly right to go for a probiotic food supplement once in a while.  Probiotic supplements are good to treat the hyper acidity conditions caused due to stress. 
It is best to rely on probiotic obtained through diet modification instead of relying on supplements.  Foods such as bananas, wheat, beans, peas, tomatoes encourage the growth of healthy bacteria. The diet should be rich in fibre rich vegetables and fruits.

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